"Bad Data" or "Cache read error for type..."


If you receive an error indicating "Bad Data" or "Cache read error for type..." during the sync process this indicates that the locally cached data cannot be decrypted and will halt the sync process.

To resolve this issue use the repair tab for either the Toodledo or Pocket Informant sync mappingĀ depending on which service / sync mapping fails to sync and click "Reset Local Cache".

This will cause the local cache to be rebuilt the next time you sync. No data will be lost as a result of this action.

Below is an example of how to reset the cache using the Pocket Informant calendar sync mapping ...


You will need to edit each of your existing sync mappings from the gSyncit settings dialog, authorize gSyncit to access Google or Toodledo accounts, and must reselect the Google/Toodledo resources (calendar, contact group, task list, etc...) with which you want to sync. This is absolutely critical to avoid errors/issues when syncing.

The following is an example of the required actions you should review/take before syncing for each of the Google and Toodledo sync mappings used.