gSyncit v5 Updates

CURRENT RELEASE: v5.8.35 (March 2025)

The 64-bit version of gSyncit requires that you have a 64-bit version of Outlook installed.

Install the 32-bit version of gSyncit if using the 32-bit version of Outlook.

You can confirm the "bit" version of Outlook used on Outlook File / Help or File / Accounts panel.

v5.8.35 - March 2025
  • FIX: Updated the Google calendar sync to include events created by Gmail.

  • FIX: Added option to disable SSL verification check when using local certificates with CalDav/CardDav servers. This is intended for customers that are ok using local certificate not signed by a trusted authority. 99.99% of customers should NOT use this option.


  • FIX: Fixed depdency issue in earlier beta.

v5.8.28 - February 2025
  • FIX: Fixed dependency issue preventing SimpleNote sync from working.

  • FIX: Patched object reference not found error when syncing distribution lists.

v5.8.26 - February 2025
  • FIX: Tentative fix for "The DateTime represented by the string is not supported in calendar System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar."

v5.8.24 - February 2025
  • UPDATE: Refactored Google Calendar sync to use alternate field for accessing event date/time UTC value.

v5.8.23 - February 2025
  • FIX: Added support for using less secure SSL3/TLS connections; used for Synology access.

  • FIX: Corrects broken gSyncit toolbar in Outlook 2007

  • FIX: Resolves reported issue where event date/times synced from Google calendar to Outlook are showing the incorrect time when the Google calendar time zone differs from the Windows time zone. This bug surfaced in the inital gSyncit v5.8 release related to upgrading the Google API Library and the need to switch from using the DateTime property to the new DateTimeOffset property.

    For customers impacted by this issue where Outlook events are appearing at the wrong time it is recommeneded that you reset the gSyncit Google Calednar sync mapping. This will clear the local sync history and force a full sync of all events. Once completed you may see duplicated events at the incorrect and correct times. You will need to manually remove the events in the Outlook calednar that have the incorrect times.

    To reset the Google Calendar sync mapping open the gSyncit settings, edit your Google Calendar sync mapping, select the repair tab, click "Reset Sync History", click "OK", and then click "Save". then re-sync your calendar.

v5.8.20 - February 2025
  • FIX: Fixed error "[Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.]"

v5.8.19 - February 2025
  • FIX: Fixed missing gSyncit and uninstall icons from appearing on the Windows start menu

  • FIX: Fixed missing error message with Google contact group cannot be found during the sync process

v5.8.18 - February 2025
  • FIX: Google introduced a change to the calendar sync that includes "Birthday" EventTypes from the Google eco-system. This change was not expected and it resulted in birthday events being included in the calendar sync that were unrelated to the selected Google calendar. This seems like a design flaw, maybe?, on Google's part to both make this event type not opt-in by default and also to include events that are not explicity created in the selected calednar. gSyncit is now configured to only sync "default" (normal) event types to pevent this issue in the future.

    for additional details related to this Google calendar change.

    IMPORTANT: If you want to delete these Google Birthday / Anniverary events from the Outlook calendar we recommend that you first delete the events from the Outlook calendar and then immediatly use the repair tab on the gSyncit Google Calendar sync mapping to reset the local sync history. If you don't reset the sync you then risk Google removing the birthday/anniverary values from the associated Google contacts which is NOT desirable.

v5.8.17 - February 2025
  • FIX: Addressed requirement that all Google calendar event types designated as "birthday" be set private.

  • FIX: Added work around for reported issue deleting temp files related to syncing contact photos

v5.8.16 - February 2025
  • UPDATE: Moved build to Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Tools

  • UPDATE: Updated all third-party dependencies to latest versions.

  • UPDATE: Removed unused dependencies that were still being included in the gSyncit installation.

  • UPDATE: CASA Tier 2 Security Compliance Updates.

  • UPDATE: Migration installation logic from C++ to C#/.Net

  • FIX: Added logic to help the Outlook process close when syncing in the background.

  • FIX: Resolved offset error when syncing calednar events

  • FIX: Resolved null reference when syncing recurring events

  • FIX: Fix when encountering error deleting files from temp folder curing the contact sync

v5.7.10 - December 2024
  • FIX: Corrects issue changes to a recurring event series in Outlook could be reverted. The root issue was traced back to a recent change to the Google Calendar API where when an exception to a recurrence is updated the last modified date on that event is not being updated as expected anymore.

v5.7.9 - November 2024
  • FIX: Corrects "Calendar object with uid already exists in this calendar collection" error when syncing with NextCloud CalDav service.

  • FIX: Improves handling of account impersonation when syncing meeting events from Outlook to Google calendar where the Outlook calendar meeting event organizer email address is different from the Google account email address. This change resolves an issue where after the initial meeting is synced from Outlook to Google then subsequent updates to the Google calendar event may fail to post changes on the Google calendar causing the Outlook event to diverge from the Google event.

v5.7.5 - July 2024
  • NEW: CASA Tier 2 Security Compliance Updates; These changes impacts the logic used to manage sync history and provides additional levels of security to prevent malicious attacks from introducing threats through gSyncit work-flows. Google requires we complete a CASA Tier 2 review to enter security compliance standards and to utilize specific Google services.

  • FIX: Improved handling of phone number types when syncing with iCloud Contacts and other CardDav services. This fix addresses cases where phone number types may not sync with the correct types and also improves the handling of the "other" phone number type.

  • FIX: Corrects CalDav sync issue where categories being removed when the option to sync categories is not enabled

  • FIX: Corrects CardDav sync issue where iPhone phone number type incorrectly changes to mobile when syncing to iCloud

  • FIX: Corrected extra ; in CardDav phone number causing a BadRequest error

v5.6.83 - March 2024
  • FIX: Resolved URL links being removed when syncing from Informant calendar

v5.6.82 - March 2024
  • FIX: Set default project_id when moving tasks in Todoist that are missing a project_id

v5.6.81 - January 2024
  • FIX: Removed installed Outlook bit version check from the installer.

v5.6.80 - January 2024
  • FIX: Connectivity update

v5.6.79 - January 2024
  • FIX: Enables TLS 1.3 for secure connections.

v5.6.77 - December 2023
  • FIX: Resolves issue incorrectly matching Google contacts with Outlook contacts that do not contain email addresses

v5.6.76 - October 2023
  • FIX: Rebuilt the installer.

v5.6.75 - August 2023
  • FIX: Corrected Evernote authentication dialog incorrectly indicating the request was for Toodledo.

  • FIX: Corrected issue syncing recurring tasks based on completion date using Toodledo

  • FIX: Corrected error dialog not auto scaling on large displays

  • FIX: Corrected Dropbox Notes sync not refreshing the access token as expected

v5.6.71 - July 2023
  • FIX: Resolves object reference error syncing contacts with Google People.

v5.6.70 - July 2023
  • FIX: Minor cosmetic updates.

  • FIX: Added retry logic when updating Outlook contacts from a Google contact to address reported 500 server errors.

  • FIX: Resolves issue mapping the Outlook contact Primary Phone with the VCard preferred phone number

  • FIX: Addressed "The specified sequence number is below the current sequence number of the resource. Re-fetch the resource and use its sequence number on the following request" error preventing recurring event exceptions from syncing.

  • NEW: Added new Field Maps feature to the Google contact sync mapping allowing for overriding field mappings performed by the sync work flow. This advanced feature allows for addressing customer specific sync work flow edge cases. In general, and in most cases, customization of the contact field mappings is not needed. The feature should only be used/configured with the assistance of product support or support documentation.

    # Custom Field mappings
    # Use `#` to ignore/comment
    # Use Person to reference the Google contact
    # Use ContactItem to reference the Outlook contact
    #Person.Location[0].Name="Fixed Location"
v5.6.62 - June 2023
  • UPDATE: Added additional debugging when syncing email addresses.

  • UPDATE:Revision to how gSyncit converts x.500 addresses to SMTP

  • FIX:Corrects issue syncing recurring event exceptions to Google calendar when using the Asia/Hong_Kong timezone.

v5.6.58 - March 2023
  • FIX: Resolves issue where calendars may not sync if the contact sync encounters issue deleting contacts.

v5.6.57 - March 2023
  • FIX: Update CalDav sync to handle line breaks in CalDav entries. This fix addresses rare cases where the CalDav sync does not show all events in the Outlook calendar.

v5.6.56 - March 2023
  • FIX: improved support for handling syncing with different CardDav address books.

v5.6.54 - February 2023
  • FIX: Resolved "CardDav end-point uri must reference a specific address book" error.

v5.6.53 - February 2023
  • FIX: remove unexpected line breaks from Outlook task titles to avoid sync error.

  • FIX: Resolved conflict error syncing with using CalDav sync.

  • FIX: Resolved issue setting name on new contact entries added to distribution lists from Google contact entry.

  • NEW: Added new "Address Book" selection fetaure to the CardDav sync mapping allowing syncing with CardDav additional address books.

v5.6.49 - Februrary 2023
  • NEW: Added keyword filtering fields visbility & availability to the CalDav and Google sync mapping.

    It's now possible to filter events based on visbility (public, private, confidential) and availability (free, busy) indicators.

v5.6.48 - January 2023
  • FIX: Rebuilt release to address DLL installation error.

v5.6.47 - January 2023
  • FIX: Corrects dialogs getting cut off on low resolutions.

v5.6.46 - January 2023
  • NEW: Added discovery caching to address 503 error syncing with iCloud CardDav & CalDav services

  • NEW: Restored SimpleNote Sync

  • NEW: Added additional debugging for troubleshooting issue

  • FIX: Corrects Toodledo task config dialog getting clipped on lower resolutions.

  • FIX: Corrects object reference error when syncing Informant notes where an Informant tag does not exist.

v5.6.39 - December 2022 - gSyncit v5.6 Release
  • NEW: Updated to use Microsoft .Net Framework v4.8. (gSyncit v5.5 uses the Microsoft .Net 4.5 framework which is now deprecated)

  • NEW: Updated all gSyncit .Net, Windows SDK, and VC++ runtime dependencies with the latest available updates and recompile the sotware using Visual Studio 2019 toolsets. These changes are being done in preparation to migrate gSyncit build tools to Visual Studio 2022.

  • NEW: Officially removed support for Nozbe and SimpleNote.

  • NEW: Build tested to work on Windows 11 ARM64 using x64 and x86 compatability translation.

  • NEW: Refactored the build process to remove legacy components from the build/installation process.

  • NEW: gSyncit v5.6 will only support Windows 8 and higher, Microsot .Net Framework 4.8 and higher, and Outlook 2013 and higher. All *prior* versions of Windows, .Net Framework, and Microsoft Office are considered end-of-life meaning Microsoft is no longer supporting or maintainaing these versions.

  • NEW: Minor UI changes to handling high DPI / resolutions.

  • NEW: Bug fixes.

  • NEW: Revised retry logic to address random rate limit / quota errors while syncing with Google services.

  • FIX: Corrects issue resolving principal location for some CalDav/CardDav services.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing on folder changes for Todoist sync mappings.

  • FIX: Resolves UI controls issue in earlier beta when using high DPI

  • FIX: Resolves issue syncing recurring yealy events that occur on the nth weekday of a month (e.g YUearly on the second Monday of November)

  • FIX: Corrects interface issues found in earlier beta.

  • FIX: Minor revision for handling time zones on recurring occurrences when synced with Google calendar

  • FIX: Updated to use Todoist v9 API

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing events in Yukon time zone

v5.5.207 - December 2022
  • FIX: Corrects issue connecting with the Todoist v9 API

v5.5.206 - December 2022
  • FIX: Corrects issue connecting with the Todoist v9 API

v5.5.205 - September 2022
  • FIX: Installation Update.

v5.5.204 - September 2022
  • FIX: Resolves "No Content" error while syncing with Yahoo CalDav service.

v5.5.203 - September 2022
  • FIX: Resolves issue syncing recurring events exceptions when syncing with CalDav service

v5.5.202 - September 2022
  • FIX: CalDav calendar sync bug fixes.

v5.5.201 - September 2022
  • FIX: CalDav calendar sync bug fixes.

v5.5.200 - September 2022
  • FIX: Resolves CalDav sync issue where the sync was incorrectly expecting all calendar events to have .ics extension. This issue could result in UID conflicts and/or preconditioned failed errors.

  • FIX: Resolves CalDav sync issue where where if the etag value is enclosed in quotes this could cause calendar events to duplicate.

  • FIX: Corrects sequence error syncing with Google calendar that could prevent events from updating on the Google calendar.

  • FIX: Updated CalDav sync to also match existing items based on UID to avoid UID conflicts.

v5.5.197 - August 2022
  • FIX: Resolved issues connecting to and syncing with CardDav & CalDav services.

v5.5.191 - August 2022
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing events from CalDav server where the body of the event contains "=" characters resulting in the Outlook event body being omitted.

v5.5.189 - August 2022
  • UPDATE: Corrects issue selecting CalDav calendar after recent gSyncit update.

v5.5.188 - June 2022
  • UPDATE: Updated the Google contact sync to be case insensitive when syncing address types like "Home", "Office", and "Work".

  • UPDATE: Update the CalDav sync to set the Outlook event time zone to UTC when the source event is in UTC but does not contain a specific time zone.

v5.5.186 - May 2022
  • FIX: Revision to handling of PreconditionFailed and Conflicts when syncing CalDav events. The default work-flow will force the event to push to the CalDav server regardless of the ETag value in the case where the CalDav server is the primary source (default).

  • FIX: Corrects "Invalid URI: The Uri string is too long." syncing with Todoist.

  • FIX: Corrects checksum error restoring settings.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing with ZoHo Contacts using CardDav

  • UPDATE: Minor UI update on the registration dialog.

  • UPDATE: Minor update to the Synology CardDav / CalDav default settings.

v5.5.179 - April 2022
  • FIX: Corrects object reference error when syncing a contact that is not assigned to any Google groups.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing Spouse & Department fields with Google Contacts.

  • FIX: Corrects reported issue where events assigned the time zone "[(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris" were incorrectly synced to the wrong Google event time zone causing the time of the event to shift by 1 hour.

v5.5.176 - March 2022
  • UPDATE: Addresses issue where enabling sync on send/receive or folder change may cause Outlook to run in the background unexpectedly after the gSyncit system tray app is loaded.

  • NEW: Added the ability to assign a Outlook category to new events imported from the Google calendar. This option is found on the categories tab for the Google calendar sync mapping.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where Google event with a weekly recurrence rule that occurs on the nth weekday fails to sync to Outlook. This recurrence rule is not allowed/supported by Outlook.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing the Gender field from Google contacts to Outlook contacts.

  • FIX: Addresses issue where alert dialog indicating system time zone changed makes it difficult to restart Outlook.

v5.5.170 - January 2022
  • UPDATE: Updated dependency used to generate compressed exported settings file.

  • UPDATE: Corrects "Value cannot be null." error syncing new contacts to distribution list.

  • UPDATE: Updated gSyncit settings backup/restore to package to use GZip

v5.5.167 - December 2021
  • UPDATE: Corrects issue with the Google Contact sync where the option to only sync specific Google labels with categories did not set the categories on the Outlook contact.

v5.5.166 - November 2021
  • UPDATE: Removed the ability to configure gSyncit to sync Outlook contacts with deprecated Google Contacts / People internal system labels including Blocked, Chat Contacts, Coworkers, Family, Friends, and Shared. This change mainly addresses the case of syncing Outlook categories with Google task labels and users notice contact update changes fail to sync from Outlook to Google.

    The Google People Membership API introduced in gSyncit v5.5 deprecated support for many internal system contacts labels / groups (e.g. family, coworker, friends). These deprecated groups were not accounted for when gSyncit v5.5 was released. Customers syncing with these deprecated groups will notice they can sync from Google to Outlook but syncing changes from Outlook to Google will fail as a result of the Google contact label assignment being read-only due to the label being deprecated by Google.

    Due to this change gSyncit will no longer allow selecting these deprecated labels on the sync mappings. Existing unedited sync mappings will continue to reference to deprecated groups but you may encounter issues syncing changes from Outlook to Google until the sync mapping is updated to point to non-system groups. 

    If you are syncing with specific Google contacts system groups (e.g. Friends, Coworkers, Family, Chat Contacts, ...) then you need to update your Google Contacts to move your contacts to equivalent labels that you create. Then update the gSyncit Contact sync mapping to point to the new group. This ensure contacts synced from Outlook to Google Contacts can be assigned to the expected groups. For example, if you are currently syncing your Outlook contacts with a label/group called "Friends" you will need to explicitly create a groups/label in Google contacts called "Friends" and update the gSyncit Contacts Mappings to sync with this new "Friends" group.

    If you are currently using the option to auto sync Outlook categories with Google groups then no changes are required. The new groups will be created automatically during the sync process.

  • UPDATE: Upgraded gSyncit to use the VC++ 2019 Runtime.

v5.5.165 - November 2021
  • PATCH: Workaround for rate limiting issue syncing Google People / Contact photos that may result in some contacts not syncing. Google limits contact photos to 60/minute/user. The sync process has been updated to reflect this rate limit. At the same time we've made a request to Google to increase our quota to improve sync performance.

v5.5.164 - November 2021
  • FIX: Corrects issue where the option to sync the Outlook FileAs field with a Google contact user-defined field was not persisted when modified on the settings dialog.

  • FIX: Corrects CardDav sync error when syncing with a CardDav account that has multiple address books associated with the principle account.

  • UPDATE: Updates the Todoist sync to use the description field for syncing the task description. This update also removes the *legacy* option to sync the Todoist comment with the Outlook task description field.

v5.5.161 - October 2021
  • FIX: Adds configuration to CalDav sync to control syncing the CATEGORIES field which is not supported by many CalDav servers. This option is enabled by default. If your CalDav server does not support the CATEGORIES properties then you should disable this option to avoid the loss of categories assigned to Outlook events.

v5.5.160 - September 2021
  • FIX: Corrects "Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request)." caused by a change made by Google on September 23rd that requires sending a "Content-ID" header with each batch task request entry. This change conflicts with Google's own API BatchRequest implementation which does not set this now expected header.

    This was not a planned or communicated change from Google. They updates the Google Calendar service without warning that also was compatible with their own Microsoft .Net Client Libraries used by gSyncit.

v5.5.159 - September 2021
  • FIX: Corrects error "The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime. Parameter name: value".

v5.5.158 - September 2021
  • FIX: Corrects error "The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime. Parameter name: value". when syncing deleted Outlook events from Google calendar when syncing all appointments. Please note that it is strongly recommended to not syncing all appointments and to use the day range option. It is less efficient and rarely needed to sync all events with a calendar considering that events older than ~30 days rarely change or need updating. If events start outside the sync day range but occur within the day range these events WILL be synced by gSyncit.

v5.5.157 - September 2021
  • FIX: Corrects "Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request)." caused by a change made by Google on September 13th that requires sending a "Content-ID" header with each batch task request entry. This change conflicts with Google's own API BatchRequest implementation which does not set this now expected header.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where allowing items to be deleted outside the sync range was not working as expected. Original fix in v5.5.152 not working as expected.

  • FIX: Corrects "Error 3: exceeded max bulk limit" syncing with Pocket Informant Online.

v5.5.153 - September 2021
  • UPDATE: Updated the Google Contacts/People sync batch operations to 200 items. In the 5.5.152 the batch size was changed to 500 that is not a valid batch size.

v5.5.152 - September 2021
  • FIX: Removes log4net dependency from the product.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where allowing items to be deleted outside the sync range was not working as expected.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing FileAs file containing quoted characters.

  • FIX: Minor revision to logic used to detect if Google events are all-day.

  • UPDATE: Updated the Google Contacts/People sync batch operations from 25 to 500 contacts per request to address potential quota limits. This also improves the contact sync performance slightly when updating large batches of changes.

v5.5.147 - July 2021
  • FIX: Corrects installer issue.

v5.5.146 - July 2021
  • UPDATE: Updated Google client libraries

  • FIX: Corrects issue where when syncing attachments from Outlook to Google calendar then sync may unnecessarily sync the Google event back to the Outlook event.

v5.5.144 - June 2021
  • REVISION: Updates the authentication browser windows to no longer use incognito mode. Using incognito mode was confusing and concerning to customers despite the deliberate choice to use incognito mode in gSyncit to offer increased security by avoiding any credentials being cached.

  • FIX: Corrects issue filtering Outlook events by private flag. When transitioning a public event to private the event failed to be marked for deletion from the Google calendar.

  • FIX: Corrects issue with ";;;;" appearing on iCloud contact group names when using after syncing using CardDav with iCloud.

  • FIX: Corrects formatting issue syncing http[s] links from Outlook when using the format "[name] <link>". This corrects issue where line feed is removed when a line of text contains a URLand addresses potential loss of URL if the link name/address are different.

v5.5.139 - May 2021
  • FIX: Corrects application crash issue when selection categories on the gSyncit settings dialog using Outlook 2007.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing contact relationships between Outlook and Google contacts.

v5.5.137 - May 2021
  • FIX: Corrects issue where filtering criteria for Google calendar sync is not triggering expected delete action.

v5.5.136 - May 2021
  • FIX: Corrects "Insufficient permissions to modify a field on the resource" error when updating recurring Google event occurrences related to a meeting owned by someone else. This issue surfaces when the sequence property on the event, organized by someone else, is updated. This issue caused some changes to recurring Outlook event exceptions to fail to sync/update to the Google calendar.

  • FIX: Minor cosmetic update to people configuration dialog.

v5.5.134 - April 2021
  • FIX: Corrects issue restoring settings from backup .tar export file.

  • FIX: Improvements to the CardDav & CalDav sync setup.

  • FIX: Update to CalDav sync to support

v5.5.132 - April 2021
  • FIX: Corrects 403/forbidden error syncing tasks/notes with Evernote.

  • FIX: Corrects CalDav sync issue using the time zone id "Etc/UTC"

  • FIX: Updates error message when trying to sync a Google contact that is missing at minimum a name, email or company name.

v5.5.130 - April 2021
  • FIX: Corrects Todoist sync issue where the reminder time was being set to the incorrect value when syncing the Todoist due date/time with the Outlook task reminder date/time.

  • FIX: Correctly maps Outlook time zone "Atlantic Standard Time" to "America/Halifax"

  • FIX: Correctly error syncing the Outlook "Starred" contact distribution group with Google groups.

v5.5.126 - March 2021
  • FIX: Corrects contact duplication issue in the gSyncit v5.5 update in cases where a contact contains only a first name that is a email address, does not contain a last name or the company name contains a " character. After installing this update use the duplicate removal wizard on the gSyncit tool bar in Outlook to clean up any duplicate Outlook contacts.

v5.5.125 - March 2021
  • NEW: Updated the Google Contact sync to use the recently released Google People API batch operations ( providing faster contact syncing when adding, updating and/or deleting contacts.

  • NEW: Updates CalDav sync to support the iCalendar COLOR property specification allowing the color of a Outlook category to sync with a color assigned to a iCalendar event. See specification for additional details. Please check that your iCalendar implementation supports this property.

    To enable this work-flow select the "Other" tab on the gSyncit CalDav sync mapping and select the option (see below) to sync CalDav event color with the Outlook event category. This option maps the first Outlook category color with a matching/assigned/supported iCalendar event color and vice versa.

  • UPDATE: Updates the Outlook category listings on the gSyncit settings to show the categories available within the mailbox for the selected Outlook folder. In prior versions of gSyncit the list if categories was based only on the primary mailbox.

  • NEW: Updates the CalDav sync work-flow to add option to only sync meetings invites with a response (marked as accepted/tentative).

  • NEW: Revised Google calendar sync work-flow to include video conference link in the Outlook event location and updated the original logic to sync the Google Hangout link to now include any video conference link associated with the Google event along with the meeting passcode, password, pin, and/or meeting id.

  • FIX: Revision to Google Calendar sync work-flow address edge cases affecting correctly mapping the Outlook event timezone to the correct Google event time zone.

  • FIX: Revision to handle precondition errors when syncing with CalDAv servers.

  • FIX: Corrects error syncing contacts from Google to Outlook that have a year set to 1601 or 1604. This is possibly caused by a defect in a prior version of gSyncit but the issue has not been confirmed/replicated.

  • FIX: Corrects critical issue in gSyncit v5.5.123 beta that caused the sync to run slowly due to extra updates to Google contact photos.

v5.5.118 - February 2021
  • FIX: Corrects issue where the Work 1 phone number was being duplicated into the Business 2 Outlook contact phone number field.

v5.5.117 - February 2021
  • FIX: Corrects unnecessary hyper link formatting "<...>" appear when syncing notes (all note sync mappings corrected).

v5.5.116 - February 2021
  • FIX: Corrects "Object reference" error syncing Outlook distribution lists with Google groups.

v5.5.115 - February 2021
  • FIX: Corrects "r" character appearing after the street address when syncing Google Contacts with iOS contacts. To fully correct this issue you should set Outlook as the primary source on the gSyncit Google contacts sync mapping and re-sync all contacts to your Google account. This will remove the "\r" return control character that iOS does not render correctly.

v5.5.114 - February 2021
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing with Google domain contacts using the new Google People API work flow resulting in missing contacts.

    Note: if you experience this issue after installing gSyncit v5.5 then you will need to edit the gSyncit Google Contact sync mapping, select the repair tab and reset BOTH the sync history and cache to ensure the updated contact information is requested from your Google domain contacts list.

  • FIX: Updated the "Restore Settings" button on the gSyncit settings to open dialog to the current gSyncit settings folder. We'be seen a few reports of users upgrading to gSyncit v5.5 where the settings failed to migrate. To work around this use the "Restore Settings" button on the gSyncit settings and select and open the file settings5.dat.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing Outlook distribution lists with Google groups.

  • FIX: Corrects "r" character appearing after each line on the Contact notes when syncing Google Contacts with iOS contacts. To fully correct this issue you should set Outlook as the primary source on the gSyncit Google contacts sync mapping and re-sync all contacts to your Google account. This will remove the "\r" return control character that iOS does not render correctly.

v5.5.110 - February 2021
  • NEW: Adds ability to select a Exchange shared calendar when setting up a Google Calendar sync mapping. The ability to select shared resources will be extended to other sync mappings in future updates. Clicking the "Selected Shared Calendar" link will present a special folder picker for accessing shared mailboxes. 

  • NEW: Adds check-box to the Google task sync mapping to make it easier to auto sync Outlook categories with Google task list names.

  • FIX: Corrects "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index" while syncing contacts.

v5.5.107 - February 2021
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing custom email address types with Google People/Contacts. To leverage this fix please set the primary source to Outlook to trigger the contacts to re-sync from Outlook to Google. If currently using this setting then select the repair tab and reset the sync history to re-sync. 

v5.5.106 - February 2021
  • Maintenance updates & bug fixes.

v5.5.105 - February 2021
  • UPDATE: Improved to speed of the Google contact sync when handling rate limit response with Google People API.

v5.5.104 - February 2021
  • FIX: Corrected "No contact photo was found" in gSyncit v5.5.103 update.

v5.5.103 - February 2021
  • FIX: Corrected "object reference not found" error while syncing removal of image from a Outlook contact with Google contacts.

v5.5.102 - February 2021
  • FIX: Corrected issue where the Outlook background process stays loaded longer than expected after installing the v5.5 update.

v5.5.101 - February 2021
  • FIX: Corrected reported issue syncing contact photos where the Outlook contact photo is set to the Google Contact "profile" image instead of the expected image.

v5.5.100 - February 2021
  • FIX: Corrects "Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError ... Message[Internal error encountered.] Location[ - ] Reason[backendError] Domain[global]" while syncing with Google Contacts. The issue is related to a rate limit quota imposed by Google which is currently pending Google review to be increased. This issue is related to the transition to the new Google People API in the v5.5 release earlier in the week.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing birthday/anniversary with Google Contacts and iOS contacts. This issue is related to the transition to the new Google People API in the v5.5 release earlier in the week.

v5.5.98 - February 2021
  • FIX: Corrects issue where the check for updates dialog incorrectly shows the current version as "ALPHA".

v5.5.97 - February 2021
  • FIX: Corrects issue where sync can run twice when using option to sync on send/receive.

v5.5.96 - February 2021
  • NEW: Updated Google Contacts sync to use the new Google People API.

    The Google Contacts API used by gSyncit v5 will sunset on June 15, 2021. This update migrates gSyncit to the new Google People API.  This update also adds the ability to sync the Outlook FileAs field with Google Contacts now supported in the new Google API. The update is designed to be seamless, however, this update will require a re-sync of all contacts. 

  • NEW: Updated to use Microsoft .Net Framework v4.6.1

  • NEW: Updated Google Client Libraries.

  • NEW: Added new sync option to sync after Outlook completes a send/receive.

  • FIX: Bug fix syncing with the Google Calendar event color "Peacock"

  • FIX: Improves handling of RPC error when gSyncit starts up during Windows login

  • FIX: Corrects "A non-transactional commit may not contain multiple mutations affecting the same entity." when syncing with Informant Online.

  • FIX: Corrects issue with "newest windows" conflicts resolution when syncing with Google calendar.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing due date/time with Todoist based on certain time zones.

  • FIX: Corrects authentication error with SimpleNote service.

v5.4.160 - January 2021
  • NEW: Added ability to map uncategorized Outlook events with a Google event color.

v5.4..159 - January 2021
  • FIX: Corrects issues syncing with Google event Peacock

  • FIX: Corrected issues deleting/updating CalDav events when filtering by category.

v5.4.158 - December 2020
  • FIX: Revision for case where Outlook event time zone information does not align with Windows time zone information potentially causing event to sync to the wrong time zone.

  • FIX: Corrected issue with CardDav sync setting the email address type that caused a problem syncing contacts with the ZoHo CRM service.

v5.4.156 - November 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue where moving events between categories when filtering by categories may not result in triggering the event from being removed from the remote Google or Informant Online calendar.

  • FIX: Corrects error closing settings when using multiple monitors.

v5.4.152 - November 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue where recurring task with no end date was being incorrect set to end after 10 occurrences.

  • FIX: Corrects object reference not found error when trying to remove deleted contact from a group.

v5.4.150 - November 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue where excluding events with categories fails to trigger delete after installing the 5.4.149 update.

v5.4.149 - November 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing with Google Keep.

  • FIX: Corrects issue identifying correct time zones of Outlook events.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing deleted Outlook events where more than one Calendar sync mapping is pointing to the same Google calendar.

  • FIX: Corrects "Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the default mail client." message when using the 64-bit version of gSyncit.

v5.4.144 - October 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue where deleted item change in the Google calendar may not sync to the Outlook calendar if the prompt to delete events is canceled. This same fix addresses case where an event deleted from the Google calendar is not removed from the Outlook calendar hours later after being deleted.

v5.4.141 - October 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue where HTTP links in events could be removed from Outlook events when syncing changes from Google to Outlook calendar. This issue is most noticeable when syncing Teams Meeting events.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where HTML formatting may be incorrectly removed when syncing events from Informant Online to Outlook. This issue is most noticeable when syncing Teams Meeting events.

v5.4.139 - October 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue setting up CardDav sync with and

  • NEW: Added new discovery button to CardDav sync mapping to help find the CardDav endpoint for a domain

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing deleted Toodledo notes.

  • NEW: Adds options to sync Outlook rich text formatting with Informant calendar event rich formatting.

v5.4.135 - October 2020
  • FIX: Corrects reported issue where Informant task due date is off by one day.

  • FIX: Corrects authorization issue when setting up sync with Google Keep. To sync with Google Keep you must first enable experimental features on the gSyncit settings / general panel.

v5.4.132 - September 2020
  • FIX: Corrects default font issue for plain text event descriptions. Defaults to Calibri 11pt.

v5.4.128 - September 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing event descriptions to Outlook where if a single line has more than 120 characters Outlook automatically adds a extra linefeed.

v5.4.127 - September 2020
  • FIX: Patch for Informant event times not syncing correctly when timezone set to local.

  • FIX: Corrects CalDav sync issue where attributes for custom WebDav properties may be removed when syncing.

  • NEW: Adds support for syncing Outlook user defined properties with CalTav ToDo entries. Custom properties are stored in a new "X-USER-PROP" field on the CalDav VTODO record. This new option is available on the `Sync Options` tab for the VTODO task sync mapping.

v5.4.123 - September 2020
  • FIX: Corrects loss of linefeed information when syncing Google event to Outlook. The root issue is related to a flag in Outlook that removes duplicate line feeds by default and how Google events use \r\n for plain text note line-feeds.

  • FIX: Corrects Google sync conflict issue where when both the Outlook and Google events are modified that the change may not sync.

  • FIX: Updated Informant sync to support date/times that include timezone offsets.

  • FIX: Update to syncing Outlook RTF with HTML formatting to address linefeed issue

  • FIX: Update to correct last, first name formatting issue in Outlook when syncing the Outlook FileAs field with the Google contact full name field.

  • FIX: Update to correct last, first name formatting issue in Outlook when syncing the Outlook FileAs field with the Google contact full name field.

v5.4.120 - August 2020
  • FIX: Fixes "object reference error" when syncing with Google groups where Google contact is not assigned to a group.

  • UPDATE: Minor cosmetic update.

  • UPDATE: Update to backup/restore settings used from the gSyncit settings dialog.

  • FIX: Corrects error when custom settings path does not exist.

  • FIX: Corrects object reference error when gSyncit is unable to determine the time zone for a Outlook event. This fix addresses case where Outlook crashes while syncing.

v5.4.115 - July 2020
  • FIX: Informant Online sync update.

  • FIX: Maintenance update to address ARM processor issue when initializing MAPI sub-system.

  • FIX: Corrects RTF_Body() error when syncing with Google calendar events using Outlook 2007.

v5.4.110 - July 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing reminder date/time with Todoist tasks.

  • FIX: Corrects 409 Conflict error when syncing with CalDav server.

v5.4.108 - June 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue loading riched20.dll richedit control on some configurations after installing gSyncit v5.4.107.

v5.4.107 - June 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue where syncing a new contact from Google to Outlook may cause a duplicate contact record if the contact contains abbreviations in the name.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where Outlook event description may not be synced from Google event if only symbolic characters updated.

  • UPDATE: Corrects issue where if the Google event uses HTML formatting then gSyncit will auto convert this to Rich Text instead of syncing the raw HTML as the Outlook description.

v5.4.103 - June 2020
  • FIX: Patch to address error loading Mso20win32client.dll.

  • FIX: Corrects missing Notes Sync setting for Simplenote in v5.4.101

v5.4.101 - May 2020
  • FIX: Corrects CardDav permission issue when writing contacts to a CardDav address book that does not have a relative path.

  • FIX: Corrects Google calendar sync issue where when there is a conflict between a Outlook and Google event and Outlook is set to always win then the change may not sync.

  • FIX: Corrects minor cosmetic issue on the event colors list for Google Calendar sync mapping

  • FIX: Corrects sync error when Google event color value is "none"

  • FIX: Corrects Google contact sync error where using the option to remove contact from group on delete incorrectly deleted the Google contact. This fix also corrects the case where a contact is moved to another label

v5.4.97 - May 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue where gsyncit.exe was missing required digital signature for ensuring authenticity of the component.

v5.4.96 - May 2020
  • FIX: Corrects CardDav sync issue where the principal path does not end with a "/". This issue surfaced in the Synology CardDav beta release of their CardDav service.

  • NEW: Adds the ability to turn on/off syncing body, location, subject and/or reminders for CalDav events.

v5.4.95 - May 2020
  • FIX: Removed Wunderlist support. Microsoft discontinued support Wunderlist as of March 6th, 2021.

    gSyncit v5 was released without support for Wunderlist knowing that Microsoft had already planned and communicated plans to deprecate this service back in April 2017. We restored Wunderlist functionality in gSyncit v5.2.41 based on customer feedback to allowing syncing until the service was disabled. We are now removing this functionality as Microsoft has fully discontinued Wunderlist. 

v5.4.94 - May 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue where gSyncit settings accessed from the system tray does not reflect the same settings configured through Outlook after installing the gSyncit v5.4.93 update. 

    The v5.4.93 update resolved an issue caused by a recent Microsoft Office update. However, this change also affected the logic gSyncit used to read the name of the default Outlook profile to ensure it loads the gSyncit settings associated with the default Outlook profile. 

    In late April 2020 Microsoft released a update to Microsoft Office that altered the Outlook profile work flow in the MAPI32.dll Windows library when calling  MAPIInitialize causing it enter a fault state when invoked. This MAPI API call is required before calling any other API calls needed to access Outlook related content. This patch loads the required libraries into the process so that the MAPIInitialize() call runs correctly allowing gSyncit to read the name of the default Outlook profile name. 

    The actual C# (.NET) code to work around this issue is shown below....

    var programFilesPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86);
    LoadLibrary(string.Format(@"{0}\Microsoft Office\root\vfs\ProgramFilesCommonX86\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE16\Mso20win32client.dll", programFilesPath));
    LoadLibrary(string.Format(@"{0}\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\OutlookServicing.dll", programFilesPath));
v5.4.93 - April 2020
  • FIX: Corrects "System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException (0x80004005): External component has thrown an exception." after installing April 2020 Microsoft Outlook/Office updates. The root issue is related to a problem invoking the MAPIInitialize() function on the MSMAPI32 library.

  • UPDATE: Updated Google libraries/dependencies to latest 2020 v1.45 release. The Google library updates are important as they include the latest changes/updates by Google for interfacing with the Google API's used by gSyncit.

v5.4.89 - March 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue gSyncit settings dialog did not render correctly when using scaled display settings.

v5.4.88 - March 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing event availability with Informant Online service.

  • FIX: Corrects issue gSyncit settings dialog did not render correctly when using scaled display settings.

v5.4.86 - March 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue setting the last modified date/time for Evernote notes.

  • FIX: Restores Simplenote sync functionality. Was removed in prior release due to service integration issues.

v5.4.83 - February 2020
  • FIX: Corrects were syncing with CardDav server when the CardDav entry contains a duplicate custom label causing the error "An item with the same key has already been added"

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing with CardDav server where if a sync-collection includes a reference to the collection itself then it can cause a 500 Internal Server Error.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where the sync token used to improve sync efficiency when syncing with a CardDav server was not being used correctly. This fix is highly recommended as it will improve the sync efficiency with a CardDav server.

  • FIX: Minor fix to correct issue where font formatting not syncing to the Google event when syncing Outlook RTF with Google event HTML formatting.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where a custom CardDav URI pointing to a secondary address book was placing new items in the root address book.

v5.4.79 - January 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue where event start time zone is defaulting to the Outlook event end time zone.

  • REVISION: Allow the font attributes to be set on the Google event when syncing rich text formatting with Google event HTML formatting.

v5.4.78 - January 2020
  • FIX: Corrects issue where syncing Outlook calendars with Google event colors, if the event color uses the same color "id" as the default calendar color then the event color may not sync correctly and shows on the Google calendar without the expected color.

  • REVISION: Improves sync of Outlook rich text formatting with Google event HTML formatting. In some cases if the rich text formatting uses specific tags or name spaces, when converted to HTML by Outlook, Google is unable to parse the HTML and shows the raw HTML code. Google calendar events support very basic HTML formatting including bold, italics, underline, basic bullet points/numbers lists and links. Complex HTML formatting using styles or more advances HTML is not supported by Google calendar. This discrepancy necessitates the need to strip some of the formatting from the Outlook version of the HTML before syncing it to the Google event.

v5.4.76 - December 2019
  • REVISION: Simperium has discontinue support for third party access to Simplenote. This feature has been disabled in the software until further notice. We strongly encourage syncing Outlook notes with Google Drive "notes" folder using your Google account. 

v5.4.75 - December 2019
  • FIX: Corrects issue where moving completed tasks to deleted items folder could result in the item being deleted permanently.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where sync logic attempts to sync Outlook recurring tasks with Todoist which are currently not supported due to the significant differences between Outlook and Todoist recurrence patterns.

v5.4.71 - December 2019
  • FIX: Corrects issue where moving events between Google/Outlook calendars fails to delete the original event.

v5.4.70 - December 2019
  • REVISION: Corrects object reference error when syncing CalDav event to Outlook.

v5.4.68 - December 2019
  • REVISION: Corrects object reference error when deleting a CalDav calendar entry that's missing a required URI property.

v5.4.67 - November 2019
  • REVISION: Updated internal links to from the application.

v5.4.66 - November 2019
  • REVISION: Updated the sync calendar sync logic with Google calendar and CalDav calendars to correctly sync the iCal UUID between calendar events and set the PidLidGlobalObjectId, PidLidCleanGlobalObjectId, and PR_OWNER_APPT_ID properties on the Outlook event. This fix applies to new and updated meetings after the update is installed.

    This revision corrects the case where updating a meeting and sending a update results in original and updated event appearing in the attendee calendar. This revision also corrects being able to tally responses to meetings from either calendar and canceled events being correctly removed from the attendees calendar.

    For example, if a meeting event is created in the Outlook calendar, sync to attendees, synced to the Google calendar, moved to a new date/time in the Google calendar, and then sent to the attendees from the Google calendar then the attendee will correctly receive a update to the original event vs. a new event.

    Changes based on details available in the Microsoft Appointment and Meeting Object Protocol

  • FIX: Corrects issue where event may fail to sync from Outlook to Google when using event colors and a category is mapped to the "Default" calendar color.

v5.4.63 - November 2019
  • FIX: Corrects "LIMITS_REACHED_COMMANDS" error when syncing with Todoist. Issue occurs when syncing large batches of changes/updates with Todoist.

v5.4.62 - October 2019
  • FIX: Corrects issue affecting the ability to sync Todoist task comments to a Outlook task.

v5.4.61 - October 2019
  • FIX: Updates the CardDav sync work flow to address issue where contact record may be incorrectly signaled as deleted.

  • FIX: Tentative patch to address "too many requests" error when syncing with Simplenote. Due to the nature of this issue you may need to suspend syncing for a period of time with Simplenote to allow for the Simplenote "request count" to cool down in order to permit additional requests.

v5.4.59 - September 2019
  • FIX: Corrects CardDav sync issue where not all contacts may sync from the CardDav server. This occurs due to a bug where if the CardDav return returns a 404 status for any requests properties then gSyncit incorrectly considered the contact as deleted and ignored the contact record.

  • FIX: Updated handling of syncing URL's (e.g. "") in the Outlook contact to Google contacts. 

v5.4.57 - September 2019
  • FIX: Corrects calendar/contacts sync error syncing with the iCloud. Apple now requires using the /.well-known/... path to determine the principle Uri vs. the root CalDav/ URI to determines which iCloud server group the user CalDav information is accessed.

v5.4.54 - September 2019
  • FIX: Corrects issue where the Outlook timezone may be mapped incorrectly to the Google event. This issue is caused by the & character being represented in the timezone as %2A preventing a proper time zone match. This issue appears to be related to a recent Microsoft Outlook update.

v5.4.53 - September 2019
  • UPDATE: Updates Todoist sync to use the latest v8 API

  • UPDATE: Revision to the collision dialog for events to include the date/time before the subject 

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing with Todoist when syncing Outlook categories with Todoist projects where moving a task to a new category fails to move the Todoist task to the correct/corresponding project.

v5.4.46 - August 2019
  • UPDATE: Application signed with updated digital code signing certificate (expires in 2022) for companies requiring compliance that applications signed with a active certificate.

  • FIX: Corrects issue causing object reference error when using the option to only sync tasks with a reminder when syncing tasks with Evernote.

v5.4.44 - July 2019
  • FIX: Corrects issue where Outlook interface may freeze when clicking sync using the evaluation version of gSyncit.

v5.4.43 - July 2019
  • UPDATE: Revision to how gSyncit translates Outlook time zones to Google calendar event time zones. This change addresses cases where the Windows time zone information does not directly match the time zone information used by Outlook causing the Google event to show the wrong time zone.

  • FIX: Corrects "Parsing Failed" error when syncing with Google Contacts. This error can occur when syncing a Google contact with a anniversary date that does not include the year (e.g. "Jan 23") or the year is set to "0000" (e.g. 1/1/0000). 

v5.4.41 - July 2019
  • Maintenance updates.

v5.4.40 - June 2019
  • NEW: Updated Google tasks sync mapping to allow selecting which item (Outlook or Google) wins when a conflict is encountered instead of defaulting to use the item with the most recent last modified date.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where events using the Outlook time zone "Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rom, Stockholm, Wien" incorrectly sync to the Google calendar as being in the Casablanca/Morocco timezone.

v5.4.38 - June 2019
  • FIX: Corrects issue where if only the option to sync with Google Keep is enabled then the sync warns that no sync mappings are configured.

  • FIX: Corrects object reference error when syncing user defined / custom fields with Google contacts.

  • FIX: Corrects case where gSyncit is unable to sync a recurring event exception based on the error "You changed one of the recurrences of this item, and this instance no longer exists. Close any open items and try again." At a lower level when trying to access the recurrence exception using Exception.AppointmentItem this error is sometimes returned where-as using RecurrencePattern.GetOccurence(date) does not return this error. This appears to be yet another oddity in Outlook's data model. 

v5.4.34 - May 2019
  • UPDATE: Migrated the gSyncit build to use the latest Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 tool sets.

  • UPDATE: Updated error messages related to loading the .Net Framework runtime to help troubleshoot permission related issues.

  • UPDATE: Updated the Microsoft.Office.Outlook.Interop assembly reference to latest release. This component is used to interface with the Outlook API.

  • UPDATE: Added prompt to warn about closing before saving on the gSyncit settings dialog.

  • UPDATE: Adds option to explicitly allow Outlook to send meeting responses to meetings that are synced from the Google calendar. For example, if the Google event meeting response is marked as not attending/denied then when the change is synced to the Outlook calendar then Outlook can be set to sent a response. By default Outlook will only send responses for meetings marked as accepted/tentative. This option is available on the gSyncit Google Calendar sync mapping / Other tab.

  • FIX: Corrects issue causing "HYPERLINK" to appear on the contents of a Google event when syncing a rich text formatted description to a Google event description.

v5.4.30 - April 2019
  • UPDATE: Refreshed the Google client libraries to the latest updates.

  • UPDATE: Updated handling of advanced task prefix mappings where if a category prefix starts with [ < or { then a assumed prefix of ] > } will be applied. This is to address cases where the category name is "[name]", "<name>" or "{name}" and the trailing postfix character should be retained but not included in the name that is mapped to the target field. 

  • FIX: Corrects error that may occur while detecting Outlook off-line status.

v5.4.26 - April 2019
  • FIX: Corrects issue where syncing event with no end date may appear in Outlook with a preset end date.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where email display name may incorrectly be reset when syncing email addresses with Google Contacts.

v5.4.24 - March 2019
  • UPDATE: v5.4 upgrades the software to use the Microsoft .Net v4.5 Framework. This update allows gSyncit to use the latest Google Client libraries and changes to maintain compliance with Google service updates/changes. 

  • UPDATE: Updated software to use Microsoft .Net Framework v4.5 and updated dependencies to the latest updates including the Google Client Libraries and Windows 10 SDK. Refreshed all third party components to use the last available updates. This build requires Windows 7 or higher.

  • UPDATE: Updates gSyncit Google Drive sync Google API project id. This change may require re-authorization to allow gSyncit to access users Google Drive account.

  • NEW: Added "Support Request" button to main settings dialog

  • CHANGE: Removes option to automatically install updates. Feature presents security issues since it requires running Outlook with elevated permissions. We will look into providing a more secure way to install updates automatically.

  • CHANGE: Made settings window mode-less to allow accessing Outlook while settings are open.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where if the Outlook event is modified after the Google event is deleted but before the changes are synced then the Google event fails to be deleted from the Outlook calendar.

  • FIX: Corrects case where meeting event time zone may not be correctly synced to the Google calendar.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where CalDav task reminder time/date may sync with the incorrect time.

  • FIX: Updates to Todoist sync work flow. Corrects issue syncing completed tasks and corrects issue were due date and reminder time not adjusted for local time zone.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing contact country information with Google contacts where the country code may appear as the country name instead of the expected country name.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where canceling/declining a single occurrence of a Google meeting event caused the entire Outlook event to be deleted. This same fix corrects issue where canceling a single occurrence of that same meeting from the Outlook calendar did not delete the occurrence from the Google calendar.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where a yearly recurring event might be incorrectly flagged for deletion if it occurs outside the active sync date range and the sync date range is less than 365 days.

  • FIX: Corrects time zone mapping for Mexico/Cancun.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where if a meeting is received outside the local timezone and synced to a CalDav server the local time did not correctly reflect the local time of event in the event timezone.

  • FIX: Corrects time zone mapping for Puerto Rico.

  • FIX: Changed option to only sync meetings marked as tentative/accepted to be enabled by default. 

  • FIX: Updated system tray app repair feature to work if unable to initialization the system tray app.

  • FIX: Minor revisions.

  • FIX: Added new experimental option on the gSyncit settings / general panel to enable/disable using experimental features which includes Google Keep syncing. Experimental (subject inclusion or removal) features are not supported and disabled by default. IMPORTANT: If you want to sync with Google Keep then you must explicitly enable the option to use experimental features on the gSyncit settings / general panel.

  • FIX: Corrects issue saving the option to sync private events on the CalDav sync mapping.

v5.3.32 - February 2019
  • UPDATE: Updates gSyncit Google Drive sync Google API project id. This change may require re-authorization to allow gSyncit to access users Google Drive account.

v5.3.31 - February 2019
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing CalDav server that uses unexpected characters in the .ics HREF entry which can cause illegal character in path exception.

v5.3.30 - February 2019
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing contact country information with Google contacts where the country code may appear as the country name instead of the expected country name.

  • CRITICAL : Corrects issue where canceling/declining a single occurrence of a Google meeting event caused the entire Outlook event to be deleted. This same fix corrects issue where canceling a single occurrence of that same meeting from the Outlook calendar did not delete the occurrence from the Google calendar. This issue results in unexpected deletes and inconsistencies between the Outlook and Google calendar events for recurring meetings with canceled or declined events.

v5.3.29 - February 2019
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing due date and reminder time using Todoist

v5.3.28 - February 2019
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing completed items with Todoist

v5.3.26 - January 2019
  • FIX: Corrects error syncing attachments.

v5.3.25 - January 2019
  • FIX: Corrects incorrect reminder time when syncing VTODO tasks through CalDav.

v5.3.24 - January 2019
  • FIX: Corrects HtmlAgilityPage error after updating.

v5.3.23 - January 2019
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing follow up tasks after installing the 5.3.22 update.

v5.3.22 - January 2019
  • FIX: Corrects issue where if the Outlook event is modified after the Google event is deleted but before the changes are synced then the Google event fails to be deleted from the Outlook calendar.

  • FIX: Corrects case where meeting event time zone may not be correctly synced to the Google calendar.

v5.3.21 - January 2019
  • FIX: Corrects missing SQLite component in the 64-bit version.

v5.3.20 - January 2019
  • FIX: Corrects missing HtmlAgilityPack error after upgrading software.

v5.3.19 - December 2018
  • FIX: Corrects issue where note line breaks may not sync correctly.

v5.3.18 - December 2018
  • FIX: Corrects issue where CalDav event UTC date may be incorrectly interpreted as a local date/time.

v5.3.17 - December 2018
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

v5.3.16 - November 2018
  • NEW: Added option to only sync contacts once per day when automatically syncing.

  • NEW: *Experimental* Google Keep notes sync support. Sync Outlook notes with Google Keep notes. The implementation supports sync of non-list Google Keep note entries with Outlook notes and allows for syncing categories with Google Keep labels. This implementation uses a "unofficial" Google Keep end point. Please use at your own discretion.

  • UPDATE: When changing the default gSyncit settings path the existing settings will now be copied to the new location.

  • UPDATE: Updated Google libraries for Calendar, Tasks and Drive access to the latest releases from Google.

  • UPDATE: Removed Nozbe notes sync; feature no longer available through Nozbe.

  • FIX: Corrects "Object reference not found" error sync using the gSyncit system tray.

  • FIX: Better error message when unable to parse Todoist due date.

  • FIX: Corrects issue when syncing sync custom field on Google contact that conflicts with reserved field name used by Outlook. For example "Nickname" and "Company" are reserved outlook field names.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where Outlook event is assigned the wrong category when using the event colors option on the Google sync mapping. The root issue is related the Google calendar color having a different color id from those on the event color.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where most recently used configuration was not properly auto restored when the main settings file could not be loaded.

v5.2.46 - October 2018
  • FIX: Corrects issue invoking the gSyncit system tray app which causes a "Object reference not found" error when accessing settings.

v5.2.45 - October 2018
  • FIX: Corrects issue where Google task marked as completed are incorrectly flagged for deletion. This is due to a recent change with Google tasks where completed tasks are marked as hidden and displayed within a completed list.

  • FIX: Updated Google Calendar, Tasks, and Drive libraries to the latest releases from Google. Google is requiring developers to migrate to the latest Google client library releases by March 2019. Google will discontinue support for the older JSON-RPC API calls used in the older libraries sometime in March 2019.

v5.2.44 - October 2018
  • FIX: Corrects issue where unable to configure only Wunderlist sync; sync reports no mappings configured when only Wunderlist is used.

  • FIX: Complete rewrite for handling of RTF/HTML conversions between Outlook and Google when using the option to sync Outlook RTF formatting with Google event HTML formatting.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where Google Keep sync mappings failed to sync in prior beta.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where if the VTIMEZONE rule for CalDav event does not encapsulate the start date/time of the event then the target CalDav calendar may not correctly apply the timezone rule. This issue was discovered using the Strato service calendar.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing Todoist reminders from Todoist to Outlook

v5.2.43 - October 2018
  • FIX: Corrects issue where unable to configure only Wunderlist sync; sync reports no mappings configured when only Wunderlist is used.

v5.2.41 - September 2018
  • UPDATE: Restored Wunderlist support. Microsoft, in April 2017, indicated they will shut down Wunderlist which they acquired in 2015. It's now 2018! Microsoft's To-Do, replacement for Wunderlist, still lags due to on going technical details. So, we decided to restore Wunderlist sync until Microsoft officially deprecates Wunderlist.

  • UPDATE: Updated Google Calendar and Tasks libraries to the latest v1.34 release. Google is requiring developers to migrate to the latest library client releases by March 2019. Google will discontinue support for the older JSON-RPC API calls used in the older libraries sometime in March 2019.

  • UPDATE: Updated interface to support Windows high contrast mode for visually impaired.

  • UPDATE: Updated Google Drive client libraries to latest release.

  • UPDATE: Update for issue that triggers "Failure while searching for matching Outlook task" caused by attempting to sync a task with a subtitle/title that exceeds what outlook permits and exceeds a normal task description use cases.

  • UPDATE: Update to handling case that causes "Card parsed successfully, but was invalid:Cards are not valid without N, FN and VERSION Properties." This issue is caused when attempting to sync a contact from Outlook to the CardDav server where the contact is missing a name or full name property.

  • UPDATE: Updated to certain application error messages to include additional context.

  • UPDATE: Revision to displaying Evernote sync "system" error messages.

  • FIX: Corrects object reference not found error when Outlook fails to retrieve Outlook event.

  • FIX: Corrects "invalid start date" error when updating Google event attachments.

  • FIX: Update to time zone handling logic for detecting event organized time zones.

  • FIX: Workaround for recent report reading PrimarySmtpAddress from exchange server.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where if task contains ' character in title it may be duplicated when syncing.

  • FIX: Corrects Toodledo sync error when folder name is filled with only spaces.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where CalDav sync may stall when downloading entries from CalDav server while parsing event description.

  • FIX: Corrects 'source' error when syncing Todoist tasks that do not have reminders defined.

  • FIX: Corrects reported case where deleted recurring event exceptions may not be deleted from the Google calendar depending on the time zone of the Google calendar.

  • FIX: Corrects issue when where Google event color may not sync with Outlook category if the event color matches the default color of the Google calendar.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where default calendar color may not appear in the list of available event colors on the Google calendar sync mapping.

  • UPDATE: UI update to the Google event color picker control. Displays the standard Google color name.

  • FIX: Corrects HTML parsing error syncing Evernote content with Outlook notes

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing Outlook events when Outlook is not configured for email.

v5.1.72 - June 2018
  • FIX: Corrects invalid start date issue when updating attachments.

  • UPDATE: Updated Google Drive client libraries to latest release.

  • UPDATE: Updated Google Calendar and Tasks libraries to the latest v1.34 release. Google is requiring developers to migrate to the latest library client releases by March 2019. Google will discontinue support for the older JSON-RPC API calls used in the older libraries sometime in March 2019.

v5.1.71 - May 2018
  • FIX: Updated Google Event colors on the gSyncit Google calendar sync mapping to match colors available on Google calendar events. It appears that the Google Calendar API "Colors" end point is returning a older set of event colors not current with the latest Google calendar interface.  

v5.1.70 - May 2018
  • FIX: Corrects issue where syncing Google event colors with categories may remove primary category on the Outlook event.

  • FIX: Corrects issue sync CalDav sync may caused expected delete prompt for all-day event that starts outside of the sync date range.

v5.1.67 - May 2018
  • FIX: Maintenance update.

v5.1.66 - May 2018
  • FIX: Corrects time zone sync issue with Google calendar where if the event starts in daylight savings but the local system does not observe day light savings then a recurring event exception that occurs during daylight savings may not sync correctly.

v5.1.65 - May 2018
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing recurring tasks with Informant Online that occurs on the last day of the month.

  • FIX: Corrects potential issue where Todoist tasks may be duplicated in Outlook.

  • FIX: Corrects reported issue syncing deleted/canceled recurring event occurrences when the local time zone does not observe the same day light savings rules (e.g. Arizona).

  • FIX: Revision to Todoist sync to correct issue syncing reminders, due date, and task priority.

  • FIX: Corrects Todoist sync issue syncing with all projects where tasks with due dates failed to sync causing duplicate tasks.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing canceled meeting event.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing Todoist labels with user defined fields

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing Todoist task priority with Outlook tasks.

  • NEW: Adds option to sync Todoist due date/time with Outlook reminder date/time

v5.1.52 - April 2018
  • FIX: Revision to syncing completed tasks with Todoist.

  • FIX: Corrects issuer where CalDav task calendar list fails to populate

v5.1.50 - April 2018
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing with Synology, OwnCloud, SoGo CalDav server where events may not sync with the correct selected calendar and incorrectly target the default calendar.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where CalDav calendar list is empty when CalDav server does not correctly set the displayName property for the calendar.

  • FIX: Revision to logic handling sync on startup.

  • FIX: Corrects CardDav sync date parsing error

  • REVISION: Updated handling marking tasks as complete/incomplete when syncing with Todoist.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where canceled Outlook meeting fails to sync to Google calendar.

v5.1.44 - March 2018
  • FIX: Corrects CardDav error syncing photo where photo does not exist.

  • FIX: Corrects Todoist sync issue were archiving a incomplete task can cause the Outlook task to revert back to not completed.

v5.1.41 - March 2018
  • FIX: Corrects CalDav sync error where if the CalDav event entry is missing a start date it causes a sync error.

v5.1.40 - March 2018
  • FIX: Corrects issue were Outlook event description may appear incorrectly as raw rich text formatting when using the option to sync Google event HTML with Outlook event rich text.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing monthly recurring events occurring monthly on the x weekday.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing CardDav phone numbers when more than one entry is marked as preferred.

  • FIX: Corrects completed Todoist tasks reverting to uncompleted.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where non-recurring invite in another time zone may sync with the incorrect time zone.

  • FIX: Corrects Informant Online sync error where task action status is set to -1

  • FIX: Corrects Informant Online sync error syncing the Somewhere Outlook busy status.

  • NEW: Updated Todoist sync to use the latest v7 API

  • FIX: Corrects issue in earlier beta where deleted Todoist tasks were incorrectly restored. If experiencing this issue it is recommended to reset the Todoist local cache. Edit the gSyncit Todoist task sync mapping, click repair, click reset local cache. This will purge the deleted items from the local cache.

  • FIX: Upgraded gSyncit build to use the latest Windows 10 SDK & Tool-set

  • FIX: Changed Todoist sync mapping to default syncing the task body to disabled. Todoist has no real support for syncing Task descriptions; only a task title. gSyncit can support syncing Todoist task comments to Outlook task descriptions but this is very limited in use and is only one-way.

v5.1.25 - February 2018
  • Maintenance updates.

  • FIX: Corrects time zone mapping for iCal time zone "Etc/GMT-7"

  • FIX: Corrects clipboard issue when syncing Outlook event RichText with Google event HTML formatting

  • FIX: Corrects XML error syncing with Informant caused by unexpected Busy status of -1

  • FIX: Added additional debug information when Todoist request fails.

  • FIX: Refreshed the Informant sync component version to ensure proper replacement on updates.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where CalDav task list does not appear in drop down list when CalDav resource also classified as VEVENT

  • FIX: Revision to formatting of notes synced to/from Informant Online.

  • FIX: Corrects error syncing with Todoist when reading completed tasks and the project is archived/deleted.

  • NEW: Added new Backup/Restore option to the gSyncit system tray app to allow for migrating settings to new installation/computer easier. The backup/restore process exports/imports all settings and cached and sync history data for all gSyncit settings profiles associated with the active Windows user session. This is different from the import/export button on the gSyncit settings which is used to import/export only the gSyncit settings linked with the active Outlook profile. It does not include any cached or sync history data. 

v5.1.17 - February 2018
  • FIX: Protect gSyncit from crashing when there is a failure writing to application log file due to local disk issues.

  • FIX: Corrects Outlook crash when using Outlook 2007 after installing the earlier gSyncit v5.1 release. Issue occurred when syncing changes from Google calendar to Outlook.

  • FIX (Critical): Corrects issue where Outlook event incorrectly shows RTF (Rich Text Formatting) control codes after installing gSyncit v5.1.13-15.

v5.1.15 - February 2018
  • FIX: Corrects de-serialization error when CalDav entry contains Organizer that is missing name value.

  • REV: Revision to spinning image on sync status dialog.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where syncing CalDav events with missing start date causes sync error

  • FIX: Corrects UI error where CalDav sync displayed CardDav sync.

  • FIX: Adds workaround for case where Pocket Informant recurring event end date occurs before the start date.

v5.1.13 - February 2018
  • Maintenance updates.

  • FIX: Corrects line feed parsing issue syncing notes with Gmail

  • FIX: Updates error message when Outlook has an event where the end date occurs before the start date.

  • FIX: Corrects object reference error syncing with Informant Online events missing the end timezone.

  • FIX: Corrects time zone mapping for Haiti which causes CalDav sync error.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where recurring event "until" date may be incorrectly set on the Outlook event causing the event to appear 1 day longer than expected.

  • FIX: Sets Outlook contact Email1 as the primary Gmail contact email address by default.

  • FIX: Corrects issue populating the CalDav calendar list with correct list of VEVENT resources.

  • NEW: Added support for syncing Google event HTML formatting with Outlook event RichText formatting. By default event descriptions sync as plain text (unformatted).

    Google Calendar recently introduced *basic* formatting options for Google event descriptions including bold, italics, underline, bullet points and links. gSyncit has been updated to support the translation process between HTML (Google Event) and RTF (Outlook Event) supporting the limited subset of formatting allowed by Google events.

    It is highly recommend to make a backup of your Outlook and Google calendars before enabling this option during the beta period. To enable HTML formatting sync select the 'Other' tab on the gSyncit Google calendar sync mapping and enable the option to "Sync Google event HTML formatting" as shown in the image below.    

v5.0.132 - January 2018
  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing user defined fields with Todoist fields.

  • FIX: Corrects object reference error when syncing undefined/empty Todoist project name.

  • FIX: Corrects null reference error when syncing with Todoist.

  • FIX: Corrects issue in v5.0.127 beta syncing Todoist project/label with user-defined fields.

  • FIX: Corrects issue with unexpected delete request when syncing Informant Calendar & using the sync options to set the Google calendar sync range. These settings were conflicting causing the root issue.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing Informant calendar event reminder set to "0 minutes."

v5.0.124 - January 2018
  • FIX: Corrects 500 error when syncing with CalDav server that supports sync-collections.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing attendees with Informant where the status is Tentative.

v5.0.123 - January 2018
  • UPDATE: Revision to add-in repair feature to help restore the gSyncit add-in when using the repair work flow on the gSyncit system tray.

  • FIX: Corrects error syncing exchange contact missing display name.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing Informant event when only the location field is updated.

v5.0.119 - December 2017
  • FIX: Corrects formatting issue syncing notes from Evernote

  • NEW: Adds additional debugging details to log file.

  • FIX: Corrects issue where Keyword filter not working with CalDav sync

  • FIX: Corrects issue where Outlook event organizer may not be correctly set.

v5.0.115 - November 2017
  • NEW: Adds option to sync Outlook categories with Todoist task labels.

  • FIX: Revision to logic used to sync Google attendees to Outlook.

  • FIX: Fix to addresses a defect in the Outlook object model which fails to return the correct time zone on meeting invites in another time zone

  • FIX: Corrects crash issue while reading time zone information when using Outlook 2003 (not officially supported with gSyncit v5).

  • FIX: Corrects reported issue registering software.

v5.0.109 - November 2017
  • FIX: Corrects time zone sync issue where meeting invites received by Outlook may sync to Google or CalDav calendar with an incorrect time zone value.

v5.0.107 - October 2017
  • FIX: Corrects sync mapping error when only syncing with Dropbox.

v5.0.106 - October 2017
  • FIX: Corrects unexpected error when selecting Outlook calendar on Google calendar sync mapping after installing the v5.0.105 build.

v5.0.105 - October 2017
  • FIX: Corrects parsing of encoded HTML characters in tasks.

  • FIX: Corrects issue syncing deleted recurring instances via CalDav sync.

v5.0.103 - October 2017
  • FIX: Workaround for issue where Malwarebytes v3 Exploit Protection encounters invalid pointer reference when gSyncit attempts to close the Outlook session when Windows is shutting down. Root issue remains with the Malwarebytes software and this change tries to work around the issue by closing the session earlier in the system shutdown process.

  • FIX: Corrects end-date incorrectly set for all-day CalDav events.

v5.0.101 - October 2017
  • FIX: Corrects error invoking ConvertTimeToUtc during CalDav sync.

  • FIX: Corrects path/not_found error when syncing with Dropbox for notes.

  • FIX: Index out of range error when syncing CalDav event missing time zone entry.

v5.0.98 - September 2017
  • FIX: Updated the Dropbox notes sync to use the latest Dropbox v2 API; addresses v1 retired message.

  • FIX: Patch to earlier defect created when updating CalDav event time zone property.

v5.0.94 - September 2017
  • FIX: Corrects issue where events marked with default viability are not excluded from sync with using the option to only sync private events.

  • FIX: Corrects reported case syncing CalDav timezone information to CalDav server.

  • NEW: Added button to reset attachment cache on Google calendar sync mapping; used to resolve reported 412 sync error.

v5.0.91 - September 2017
  • FIX: Corrects issue upgrading from gSyncit v4.

v5.0.90 - September 2017
  • NEW: Adds Collection Sync to CardDav to provide more efficient syncing.

  • NEW: Improvement to CardDav sync performance.

  • NEW: Added option to force CalDav events to write times as UTC only.

  • NEW: Improvements to sync performance.

  • NEW: Updates to CalDav sync Collection Sync functionality to provide more efficient syncing.

  • NEW: Improved performance displaying CardDav deleted items dialog.

  • FIX: Corrects contact photo sync issue when syncing to Gmail to Outlook only.

  • FIX: Corrects issue using custom settings path causing 'cannot open database file' error.

  • FIX: Corrects error syncing ScheduleTaskPriority detail to Google calendar.

  • FIX: Corrects issues in early beta where CardDav caused incomplete syncing.

  • FIX: 412 Precondition failed when syncing attachments with same name.

  • FIX: Corrects forbidden error when deleting attachments not belonging to attendee.

  • FIX: Corrects issue deleting attachments not owned by user.

  • FIX: Corrects issue in prior beta syncing distribution lists.

  • FIX: Corrects valid-calendar-object-resource error caused by missing/incorrect timezone information on the VEVENT and VCALENDAR entry.

  • FIX: Corrects invalid sequence error when syncing with CalDav collection that contain calendar entries without any VEVENT entries.

  • FIX: Corrects "unable to open database" error when using UNC path to store user AppData.

v5.0.72 - September 2017
  • FIX: Revision to pulling completed items from Todoist to improve sync performance. 

  • FIX: Updated error message to indicate how to fix case where Outlook folder not found.

v5.0.0 - August 2027
  • NEW: Improvements to sync speed

  • NEW: Skip events where Outlook reports the attachment is too large based on Exchange imposed policy.

  • NEW: Initial implementation of Todoist sync.

  • NEW: Adds attendee sync for Informant Online sync.

  • NEW: Keyword filtering for CalDav sync.

  • NEW: Adds Gmail Domain Contact sync support.

  • NEW: Updated SQLite dependency to use latest SQLite 3.19.3 release

  • NEW: Incremental update/bug fixes.

  • NEW: Adds ability to set viability/availability defaults for CalDav sync.

  • UPDATE: TLS v1.1 and v1.2 enabled when not using proxy. Providers improved transport security.

  • FIX: Updates attachment sync error when deleting Outlook event.